Miami Marine Audio Installation & Boat Electronics
Without a doubt, Miami is the boating capital of the world! With about thirteen million registered boats in Florida and about sixty percent of them in the South Florida area, there is a great possibility that you are a boat owner or you know someone who owns one. There is no question that on a sunny weekend with calm seas there is nothing better to do in Miami then take your boats to the Haulover sandbank or run out the Haulover inlet for a day of fun.
In the past, one of the most boring parts of a day out on your boat was coming and or getting to your destination. That was in part because of old-school Jensen marine radios and six by nine poly-planar speaker did little to drown the engine noise or deliver a quality sound! Aside from that FM reception at sea being not very good, it is hard to find decent music in cassette nowadays, and CD never did work very well in boats! Today none of this is an issue!
Custom Marine Stereo System
In just a few years we have seen an aggressive amount of innovation hit the marine audio system industry. Everything started with the number of manufacturers who out of the blue realized that the number of boats in the water and the demand for high-quality amplifiers, speakers subwoofers, and head units. The trend started going strong as head unit manufacturers started to adopt MP3 in their radios. This allowed for a high-quality portable music source that can be integrated via a USB stick sand or the same Bluetooth system found in just about any smartphone on the market! Having Bluetooth capability in your marine radio means that you can now take your car’s playlist in your boat.
At Pro Auto Sound we have over 35 years of experience making boats sound like their owners expect it! In the past, there has been a lot of innovation for getting car audio devices to work in a marine environment, but that is no longer the case. We have an extensive selection of purposely built marine electronics ranging from marine amplifies, marine speakers, marine subwoofer, and yes marine radios to meet any performance requirement and or budget! If you are looking for a Custom Marine Audio System in Miami, see the Pros at Pro Auto Sound of Miami!